Saturday, November 3, 2007

So much to tell...

Sorry it has been so long sense my last post, we have been so busy!

Let's start with Ellie. She went to school on Monday and did very well! Her teacher said she sang a song about shoes and then pointed to her shoes! And later in the week I asked her to show Grandma her shoe and she looked down at her shoes. Such exciting news! And she decided she is a big girl now and is climbing the slide all by herself. She is starting to come out of her shell. Great news too about school, she might be able to go more than one day a week! That would be so great.

Teddy is doing great. Tonight I was telling them they were going to get their baths tonight and out of the blue clear as could be he said "bath". And he was such a big helper today! Him and Tommy compete to see who will give Grace the most kisses. At bed time while I read a book to them Teddy loves to snuggle up next to me and look at the pictures and then when we finish the book it must be turned over to him for further review.

Tommy...I think I have said enough. The other day we were all in the car and I was getting the boys to say some words, so I start with "Ted, Ted, Ted" and they both say it. And I said it again and they both said it again. Then I go "Tom, Tom, Tom" and Teddy starts to say it, but Tommy's response, with a big smirk on his face, was "me, me, me, me...". I immediately start cracking up laughing at which time he continues to say "me" over and over. I can't help but pinch him.

Grace is getting so big and she is starting to stay awake more and give more smiles! I love those toothless grins! The other day she started to giggle in her sleep.

I will have to continue this later, I think some one just fell out of bed...

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