This morning was one of our average mornings. Teddy and Ellie wake me up at 5:30, I change Ellie, who has overflowed her diaper, and take her night shirt off due to the fact it was now wet. So now she is running around in just a diaper. I change Teddy who is always wet, his diaper usually not his clothing. I sleep walk through the first half hour of breakfast and Tommy wakes up. He needs a new diaper but sense the other kids are eating I just plop him down at the table. I just didn't realize how wet he was. He is eating contently, when he suddenly starts screeching at decibels only dogs and dolphins can hear. I look over at him, now temporarily deaf, waiting to see a limb amputated when I realize he tinkled and it leaked out of his diaper all over his seat. I take off his diaper and clean him and his seat up, take his, now, wet shirt off and put a new diaper on him. Now he is running around in just a diaper.
We made it through breakfast and I decided to start some cloths washing sense almost everyone wet themselves. I walk to the washer and dryer which is in one of the bathrooms. "Has anyone seen the hamper?" This was actually a rhetorical question. "Oh, there it is under the 10 foot high pile of cloths." As I'm putting the last of the cloths in the washer Teddy comes into the room pulling at his night shirt. I start thinking, "how nice he wants to take off his shirt to wash sense I was washing cloths." So I take off his shirt and throw it in the washer. Then as I start piecing together outfits for the day I realize why Teddy was so eager to wash his shirt, he was the only one not running around in only a diaper. So at this point I have 3 semi-naked babies running around my house.
Now I must go wrestle my kids into some clothing... at least everyone has a clean diaper, that is half the battle.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Invasion of the children snatchers?
The other day, after breakfast I decided to actually sit down with the kids in the living room for a moment. Yes, I actually got to sit, on a couch, for more than three seconds. Anyway I decide it would be a good idea to get the kids to pick up the toys they so graciously decided to dump out of the toy box. Now mind you I had been up twice to feed Grace that night, so needless to say I was exhausted, and the thought of arm wrestling with the kids to clean up was not exactly appealing, but I couldn't see the living room floor any more. I start after them to pick up the toys, which usually requires me telling them (after every toy is thrown in the toy box) to go get another toy. Now I'm sitting on the couch with the toy box in front of me as they throw toys in. Through out the entire process the kids will go out in the room and pick up one toy, regardless of size, and bring it to the toy box. So Teddy might to find a happy meal toy, just the one little bitty toy, and walk clear across the room to put it in the box. They haven't quite grasped the concept that they can pick up more than one toy and get it done faster. So as the kids do this I, unknowingly, doze off on the couch. When I wake up from my brief nap (the best nap I ever had) I find a completely clean room. Yes, every toy, every couch pillow, every piece of clothing, EVERYTHING was picked up (neatly I would like to add), AND the toy box was no longer in front of me, it was where it was supposed to be. After regaining consciousness from my fainting spell, I felt their heads. No fever. No clammy skin. No rashes. They seemed to be in perfectly good health. Which only leaves ONE explanation, there is an invasion of children snatchers!
Now let me go run and get the vacuum, the broom and the mop and show them how to use it before they leave!
Now let me go run and get the vacuum, the broom and the mop and show them how to use it before they leave!
So much to tell...
Sorry it has been so long sense my last post, we have been so busy!
Let's start with Ellie. She went to school on Monday and did very well! Her teacher said she sang a song about shoes and then pointed to her shoes! And later in the week I asked her to show Grandma her shoe and she looked down at her shoes. Such exciting news! And she decided she is a big girl now and is climbing the slide all by herself. She is starting to come out of her shell. Great news too about school, she might be able to go more than one day a week! That would be so great.
Teddy is doing great. Tonight I was telling them they were going to get their baths tonight and out of the blue clear as could be he said "bath". And he was such a big helper today! Him and Tommy compete to see who will give Grace the most kisses. At bed time while I read a book to them Teddy loves to snuggle up next to me and look at the pictures and then when we finish the book it must be turned over to him for further review.
Tommy...I think I have said enough. The other day we were all in the car and I was getting the boys to say some words, so I start with "Ted, Ted, Ted" and they both say it. And I said it again and they both said it again. Then I go "Tom, Tom, Tom" and Teddy starts to say it, but Tommy's response, with a big smirk on his face, was "me, me, me, me...". I immediately start cracking up laughing at which time he continues to say "me" over and over. I can't help but pinch him.
Grace is getting so big and she is starting to stay awake more and give more smiles! I love those toothless grins! The other day she started to giggle in her sleep.
I will have to continue this later, I think some one just fell out of bed...
Let's start with Ellie. She went to school on Monday and did very well! Her teacher said she sang a song about shoes and then pointed to her shoes! And later in the week I asked her to show Grandma her shoe and she looked down at her shoes. Such exciting news! And she decided she is a big girl now and is climbing the slide all by herself. She is starting to come out of her shell. Great news too about school, she might be able to go more than one day a week! That would be so great.
Teddy is doing great. Tonight I was telling them they were going to get their baths tonight and out of the blue clear as could be he said "bath". And he was such a big helper today! Him and Tommy compete to see who will give Grace the most kisses. At bed time while I read a book to them Teddy loves to snuggle up next to me and look at the pictures and then when we finish the book it must be turned over to him for further review.
Tommy...I think I have said enough. The other day we were all in the car and I was getting the boys to say some words, so I start with "Ted, Ted, Ted" and they both say it. And I said it again and they both said it again. Then I go "Tom, Tom, Tom" and Teddy starts to say it, but Tommy's response, with a big smirk on his face, was "me, me, me, me...". I immediately start cracking up laughing at which time he continues to say "me" over and over. I can't help but pinch him.
Grace is getting so big and she is starting to stay awake more and give more smiles! I love those toothless grins! The other day she started to giggle in her sleep.
I will have to continue this later, I think some one just fell out of bed...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
What a nice suprise!
Today has been quite eventful in a good way.
Everyone went down for their naps with very little argument! Amen! And yes they all actually slept!
While everyone was sleeping, someone knocked at the door. Which is unusual, accept for visits from the kids grandma, who lives a few houses down. It was two men wanting to preach to me. They stated they were Christians and opened with the passage that reads "...the truth will set you free." Which is in John 8. I then borrowed his Bible and cited John 6, all of you Catholics out there know what I'm talking about, it opens, "Truly, truly I say to you, you must eat my flesh and drink my blood to have life with in you." Like the man said, "...the truth will set you free."
After evangelizing my fellow Christians I returned inside and began watching a movie, "Rudy". I love that movie. About 45 minutes later, another knock at the door. It was my aunt and uncle! A very nice surprise, they just happened to be in town and stopped by. We actually got to visit for a couple of hours and they had to go home. While they were here there was another knock at the door. It was a friend of ours who stopped by quickly say hello. He was on his way to the hospital, his son was in a car wreck and he was on his way to the hospital (please send prayers his way).
So we had a few visitors in one day, when usually there is none. So we had a good day, and I actually had some adult conversation.
Everyone went down for their naps with very little argument! Amen! And yes they all actually slept!
While everyone was sleeping, someone knocked at the door. Which is unusual, accept for visits from the kids grandma, who lives a few houses down. It was two men wanting to preach to me. They stated they were Christians and opened with the passage that reads "...the truth will set you free." Which is in John 8. I then borrowed his Bible and cited John 6, all of you Catholics out there know what I'm talking about, it opens, "Truly, truly I say to you, you must eat my flesh and drink my blood to have life with in you." Like the man said, "...the truth will set you free."
After evangelizing my fellow Christians I returned inside and began watching a movie, "Rudy". I love that movie. About 45 minutes later, another knock at the door. It was my aunt and uncle! A very nice surprise, they just happened to be in town and stopped by. We actually got to visit for a couple of hours and they had to go home. While they were here there was another knock at the door. It was a friend of ours who stopped by quickly say hello. He was on his way to the hospital, his son was in a car wreck and he was on his way to the hospital (please send prayers his way).
So we had a few visitors in one day, when usually there is none. So we had a good day, and I actually had some adult conversation.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Adventures in the back yard...
This afternoon I thought it would be a good idea to go play on the swing set in the back yard. The key word is thought.
A cold front went through (it actually went down into the 50's during day light hours here which is frigid for us). This means we now have to find socks, shoes, long pants, and jackets. After fighting with the kids for a good portion of the afternoon we were finally ready to go outside. Cue the baby crying. Now I have to feed the baby. With day light slowly drifting away, I try and hurry the baby, though this is not physically possible. Now the trek to the swing set (which is in the "back yard" which is actually on the side of the house, it's just the way the house sits on the lot). So now that the baby is awake I bundle her up in the fuzzy PJs and wrap her up in two blankets. I am now carrying a baby, her bouncy seat and a fold out chair for me in case I need to feed her, plus I have to herd 3 children to the swing set, which is around the house and past the veggie garden/ chicken coop. And we can't go between the house and garden due to the fact it rained yesterday and is now a mud pit. With everything in hand we start our journey. After fighting with them they finally go down the steps to the patio. My three year old goes straight to the shed my husband has partially torn down (the opposite direction of the swings) . I now freak out yelling for her to come back over to mommy before the entire structure collapses on her. I hear clucking chickens and a rooster goes flying by. Now enter the one year old freaking out because he has never seen a chicken freak out. Now my 2 year old is looking at me stressing out wondering what the big deal is. Baby is content through out all of this just because I am holding her. I ask the two year old to carry the bouncy seat. His response is a blank stare. Okay I guess not. After calming the one year old down and redirecting the three year old, we are back on our way to the swings. We finally make it after having to drag the one year old past the chickens because now he is scared of them due to the flying rooster, which he scared in the first place. Now every one is on a swing, baby is in the bouncy seat and I have collapsed from exhaustion into the folding chair. Two seconds later baby starts screaming. I get up and hold her. Now the other three are whining because they want to be pushed. With one hand and a baby in the other I now alternately push the others in the swings. I probably should mention here that the whole idea for going outside was for the kids to burn off some steam. So far I have burned off 10 times more calories than the kids. Now we have been outside for maybe 15 minutes. Baby starts crying again even though I am holding her. Now I decide that it was a really REALLY bad idea to come outside. Now the baby is screaming, she is hungry. Now I proceed to take everyone off the swings and start herding them back to the back door. Bouncy seat in hand I decide that I will leave the fold out chair in the yard, really because I don't want to carry it back, but use the excuse that we will be back outside this week and it's not supposed to rain. I again drag the one year old past the chickens and keep the other two headed back to the house. We make it back inside and I escort everyone back to the living room and close the baby gate, thus ending our adventure in the back yard.
Tomorrow is the next adventure...
A cold front went through (it actually went down into the 50's during day light hours here which is frigid for us). This means we now have to find socks, shoes, long pants, and jackets. After fighting with the kids for a good portion of the afternoon we were finally ready to go outside. Cue the baby crying. Now I have to feed the baby. With day light slowly drifting away, I try and hurry the baby, though this is not physically possible. Now the trek to the swing set (which is in the "back yard" which is actually on the side of the house, it's just the way the house sits on the lot). So now that the baby is awake I bundle her up in the fuzzy PJs and wrap her up in two blankets. I am now carrying a baby, her bouncy seat and a fold out chair for me in case I need to feed her, plus I have to herd 3 children to the swing set, which is around the house and past the veggie garden/ chicken coop. And we can't go between the house and garden due to the fact it rained yesterday and is now a mud pit. With everything in hand we start our journey. After fighting with them they finally go down the steps to the patio. My three year old goes straight to the shed my husband has partially torn down (the opposite direction of the swings) . I now freak out yelling for her to come back over to mommy before the entire structure collapses on her. I hear clucking chickens and a rooster goes flying by. Now enter the one year old freaking out because he has never seen a chicken freak out. Now my 2 year old is looking at me stressing out wondering what the big deal is. Baby is content through out all of this just because I am holding her. I ask the two year old to carry the bouncy seat. His response is a blank stare. Okay I guess not. After calming the one year old down and redirecting the three year old, we are back on our way to the swings. We finally make it after having to drag the one year old past the chickens because now he is scared of them due to the flying rooster, which he scared in the first place. Now every one is on a swing, baby is in the bouncy seat and I have collapsed from exhaustion into the folding chair. Two seconds later baby starts screaming. I get up and hold her. Now the other three are whining because they want to be pushed. With one hand and a baby in the other I now alternately push the others in the swings. I probably should mention here that the whole idea for going outside was for the kids to burn off some steam. So far I have burned off 10 times more calories than the kids. Now we have been outside for maybe 15 minutes. Baby starts crying again even though I am holding her. Now I decide that it was a really REALLY bad idea to come outside. Now the baby is screaming, she is hungry. Now I proceed to take everyone off the swings and start herding them back to the back door. Bouncy seat in hand I decide that I will leave the fold out chair in the yard, really because I don't want to carry it back, but use the excuse that we will be back outside this week and it's not supposed to rain. I again drag the one year old past the chickens and keep the other two headed back to the house. We make it back inside and I escort everyone back to the living room and close the baby gate, thus ending our adventure in the back yard.
Tomorrow is the next adventure...
Things every parent should know before they are parents...
There are many things everyone should know before they are parents. This is just a minuscule portion of that information.
Companies you should invest in prior to parenthood:
1. diaper companies
2. diaper cream companies (Every parent should be issued a 55 gallon vat when their child is born.)
3. battery companies
4. toy companies
5. cleaning supply companies
6. kids clothing companies
7. laundry detergent companies
Ways to practice having a baby:
1. get a puppy let it get to about 6 months old and trade that in for another puppy, continue to do this for then next 18 years. (the only thing is the puppy will listen better)
2. when you go to sleep at night set an alarm clock to go off every 30 minutes, continue this also for 18 years.
3. find a sound that is the most annoying sound that you have ever heard in your life and play it continuously for an hour straight at least 12 times a day and two of those times must be while you are sleeping.
Things you will never have again:
1. freedom
2. personal space
3. sanity
4. a good night sleep
5. peace of mind
6. a clean house
But you will also never have this:
1. an empty heart
2. a lack of love
3. a lack of laughter
4. a lack of excitement
5. a lack of group hugs
6. a lack for a reason to smile
7. a lack for a reason to pinch cheeks (my personal favorite)!
I know there are many of you out there that can add to these lists, please feel free to do so.
Companies you should invest in prior to parenthood:
1. diaper companies
2. diaper cream companies (Every parent should be issued a 55 gallon vat when their child is born.)
3. battery companies
4. toy companies
5. cleaning supply companies
6. kids clothing companies
7. laundry detergent companies
Ways to practice having a baby:
1. get a puppy let it get to about 6 months old and trade that in for another puppy, continue to do this for then next 18 years. (the only thing is the puppy will listen better)
2. when you go to sleep at night set an alarm clock to go off every 30 minutes, continue this also for 18 years.
3. find a sound that is the most annoying sound that you have ever heard in your life and play it continuously for an hour straight at least 12 times a day and two of those times must be while you are sleeping.
Things you will never have again:
1. freedom
2. personal space
3. sanity
4. a good night sleep
5. peace of mind
6. a clean house
But you will also never have this:
1. an empty heart
2. a lack of love
3. a lack of laughter
4. a lack of excitement
5. a lack of group hugs
6. a lack for a reason to smile
7. a lack for a reason to pinch cheeks (my personal favorite)!
I know there are many of you out there that can add to these lists, please feel free to do so.
Monday, October 22, 2007
What will he say next...Whoisit?
Some of you may have heard these stories about Tommy, but I enjoy them so much I have to tell them again.
One day the two Teds had gone to church to paint the lines in the parking lot, which left me, Ellie and Tommy at home. I was in the back of the house when the men returned and didn't hear them knocking. I had put the deadbolt on therefore they couldn't get in. Ted called me to tell me that they were at the door. As I approached the living room Tommy standing about as far away from the door as possible yells out, "Whoisit?" For those of you how can't read transcribed 1 year old, that translates into "Who is it?" I guess he was planning on answering the door.
On another occasion I was talking to Ted on the phone and he had been gone for a few days and was on his way home. I guess Tommy figured out that Ted was on the phone and demanding to know his Daddy's current location he yells out, "Where you at?" Knowing the geographer that he is I'm sure he was expecting the exact GPS location.
No telling what is going to come out of his mouth next.
Grace, or as Tommy last referred to her, Gace, she actually smiled at me today! And it wasn't an I have gas smile, it was a real smile!
Now I think I hear a baby calling...
One day the two Teds had gone to church to paint the lines in the parking lot, which left me, Ellie and Tommy at home. I was in the back of the house when the men returned and didn't hear them knocking. I had put the deadbolt on therefore they couldn't get in. Ted called me to tell me that they were at the door. As I approached the living room Tommy standing about as far away from the door as possible yells out, "Whoisit?" For those of you how can't read transcribed 1 year old, that translates into "Who is it?" I guess he was planning on answering the door.
On another occasion I was talking to Ted on the phone and he had been gone for a few days and was on his way home. I guess Tommy figured out that Ted was on the phone and demanding to know his Daddy's current location he yells out, "Where you at?" Knowing the geographer that he is I'm sure he was expecting the exact GPS location.
No telling what is going to come out of his mouth next.
Grace, or as Tommy last referred to her, Gace, she actually smiled at me today! And it wasn't an I have gas smile, it was a real smile!
Now I think I hear a baby calling...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Do we hafta?
For the past few days, with suitable protest from all three of the oldest, I have been attempting to give my three older ones a "nap time" and a "bed time". The results have been mixed. They stay in their room for nap time, but they don't sleep. Which still gives them the time out they need and makes them more sleepy for "bed time" even though they don't sleep much for the first 30 minutes to an hour at bed time. It's still a work in progress.
Last night all of the kids decided that it would be a really good idea to wake up at the wee hours in the morning. It started with Tommy waking up at 3am. 30 to 45 min. later hear comes Teddy, and hour after Teddy was Ellie and Grace. Needless to say none of us got much sleep last night. The kids did get little cat naps on rotation with one or two still keeping watch making sure mommy didn't get a chance to really sleep.
I finally decided that at 11am I wouldn't be able to get any sleep and went to "make" lunch, which turned out to be bologna and corn chips(I need to maintain my sanity some kind of way), while the kids stayed corralled in the living room. Upon my return I discovered the kids had "cleaned" the living room by throwing anything and everything that was on the floor, couch or chairs of the living room over the baby gate into a large pile on the dining room floor. After tossing everything from toys to clothing to pillows back into the living room we finally sat down to eat. Then everyone went to their room for naps and joy of joys (insert alleluia chorus here) everyone, including the baby, went to sleep! I actually have some time to wash dishes, start supper and decompress WITHOUT having 3 children screaming and yelling wondering why mommy can't play!
Now let me run wildly through my house jumping up and down for joy even if it is just for another five minutes!
Last night all of the kids decided that it would be a really good idea to wake up at the wee hours in the morning. It started with Tommy waking up at 3am. 30 to 45 min. later hear comes Teddy, and hour after Teddy was Ellie and Grace. Needless to say none of us got much sleep last night. The kids did get little cat naps on rotation with one or two still keeping watch making sure mommy didn't get a chance to really sleep.
I finally decided that at 11am I wouldn't be able to get any sleep and went to "make" lunch, which turned out to be bologna and corn chips(I need to maintain my sanity some kind of way), while the kids stayed corralled in the living room. Upon my return I discovered the kids had "cleaned" the living room by throwing anything and everything that was on the floor, couch or chairs of the living room over the baby gate into a large pile on the dining room floor. After tossing everything from toys to clothing to pillows back into the living room we finally sat down to eat. Then everyone went to their room for naps and joy of joys (insert alleluia chorus here) everyone, including the baby, went to sleep! I actually have some time to wash dishes, start supper and decompress WITHOUT having 3 children screaming and yelling wondering why mommy can't play!
Now let me run wildly through my house jumping up and down for joy even if it is just for another five minutes!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Getting started
Hello to all! I can't imagine that anyone will actually read my blog today. It is the day of my debut and I kind of did this on a whim. It was 2:30 in the morning and I was sleep deprived and had just nursed my baby. So if this comes out incredibly boring please forgive me.
Let me start by telling you some things about me. I am in my mid 30's my husband and I have been married sense July of 2003. We have 4 absolutely gorgeous children (yes, I am a bit partial). And yes I gave birth to 4 children in as many years. I do have some "Calgon" days, but for the most part my children are angels and listen to every word I say. (Give me a minute to stop laughing.)
Our oldest, Ellie, is 3, she will be 4 right before Christmas. We found out at the end of last year that she has Celiac. So if there are any parents out there with children who have Celiac please pass on the tips. I have been able to find some great web sites and have been doing a little research on my own and I have found several mainstream foods that are gluten free it seems just by chance. I would be happy to pass that on to anyone who would like it.
We also have two sons, Teddy and Tommy. They are 13 months apart, and are 2 and 1 respectively. They are like any other boys/brothers. They could be ready to kill eachother at any given moment and five minutes later they are chasing each other around the house laughing and giggling like nothing ever happened.
And then there is our newborn, Grace, she is 3 weeks old, so she has yet to make a mark in the world other than poopy diapers and nursing. But that is only a matter of time.
There is also my wonderful husband, Ted. Like I mentioned we have been married a little over 4 years. I couldn't have asked for a better man to journey through life with. We did get married a little later in life, both of us in our 30's, which has it's pros and cons. But we are happy and delighted with our quick large family.
Most importantly in my life is my faith. I was born and raised Catholic and love my religion as I'm sure many of you out there do. God has always been there for me though it all, even though I may not have liked his answers to some of my prayers he knows what's best for me, much more than I do.
This is what most of my blogs will be about, God, family and friends. My top priorities in life. I hope you enjoy reading about it!
All you other mothers out there know the truth, You make it through each day- by the Grace of God.
Let me start by telling you some things about me. I am in my mid 30's my husband and I have been married sense July of 2003. We have 4 absolutely gorgeous children (yes, I am a bit partial). And yes I gave birth to 4 children in as many years. I do have some "Calgon" days, but for the most part my children are angels and listen to every word I say. (Give me a minute to stop laughing.)
Our oldest, Ellie, is 3, she will be 4 right before Christmas. We found out at the end of last year that she has Celiac. So if there are any parents out there with children who have Celiac please pass on the tips. I have been able to find some great web sites and have been doing a little research on my own and I have found several mainstream foods that are gluten free it seems just by chance. I would be happy to pass that on to anyone who would like it.
We also have two sons, Teddy and Tommy. They are 13 months apart, and are 2 and 1 respectively. They are like any other boys/brothers. They could be ready to kill eachother at any given moment and five minutes later they are chasing each other around the house laughing and giggling like nothing ever happened.
And then there is our newborn, Grace, she is 3 weeks old, so she has yet to make a mark in the world other than poopy diapers and nursing. But that is only a matter of time.
There is also my wonderful husband, Ted. Like I mentioned we have been married a little over 4 years. I couldn't have asked for a better man to journey through life with. We did get married a little later in life, both of us in our 30's, which has it's pros and cons. But we are happy and delighted with our quick large family.
Most importantly in my life is my faith. I was born and raised Catholic and love my religion as I'm sure many of you out there do. God has always been there for me though it all, even though I may not have liked his answers to some of my prayers he knows what's best for me, much more than I do.
This is what most of my blogs will be about, God, family and friends. My top priorities in life. I hope you enjoy reading about it!
All you other mothers out there know the truth, You make it through each day- by the Grace of God.
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