Saturday, October 20, 2007

Do we hafta?

For the past few days, with suitable protest from all three of the oldest, I have been attempting to give my three older ones a "nap time" and a "bed time". The results have been mixed. They stay in their room for nap time, but they don't sleep. Which still gives them the time out they need and makes them more sleepy for "bed time" even though they don't sleep much for the first 30 minutes to an hour at bed time. It's still a work in progress.
Last night all of the kids decided that it would be a really good idea to wake up at the wee hours in the morning. It started with Tommy waking up at 3am. 30 to 45 min. later hear comes Teddy, and hour after Teddy was Ellie and Grace. Needless to say none of us got much sleep last night. The kids did get little cat naps on rotation with one or two still keeping watch making sure mommy didn't get a chance to really sleep.
I finally decided that at 11am I wouldn't be able to get any sleep and went to "make" lunch, which turned out to be bologna and corn chips(I need to maintain my sanity some kind of way), while the kids stayed corralled in the living room. Upon my return I discovered the kids had "cleaned" the living room by throwing anything and everything that was on the floor, couch or chairs of the living room over the baby gate into a large pile on the dining room floor. After tossing everything from toys to clothing to pillows back into the living room we finally sat down to eat. Then everyone went to their room for naps and joy of joys (insert alleluia chorus here) everyone, including the baby, went to sleep! I actually have some time to wash dishes, start supper and decompress WITHOUT having 3 children screaming and yelling wondering why mommy can't play!
Now let me run wildly through my house jumping up and down for joy even if it is just for another five minutes!

1 comment:

mamabear said...

What? No pictures of you running wildly around your house jumping up and down for joy? I'm enjoying the blog. Keep up the sanity. :-)